Time & Location
14 Dec 2014, 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm GMT+9
University of the Ryukyus
1 Senbaru, Nishihara, Nakagami District
Okinawa 903-0129, Japan
About the Event
A nationwide invitation for speakers for Okinawa JALT’s “Trends in Language Teaching Conference” will ensure a variety of interesting presentations for everyone. Since this event will highlight the poster presentation format, participants will be able to interact face-to-face with numerous presenters. The event will also feature teachers of other languages and invite young scholars as well.
JALT Okinawa hosted a Trends in Language Teaching Conference. More than 70 people attended the conference, and presentations were given by 30 people, two-thirds of whom traveled from outside Okinawa to attend. Andy Boon of Toyo Gakuen University and David Kluge of Nanzan University served as keynote speakers. Awards were given for poster presentations and included Charlotte Lin for Outstanding Poster Presentation, Samantha May for Excellent Poster Presentation, and Lorraine Kipling for Outstanding Poster. This groundbreaking and historical event for Okinawa JALT was made possible thanks to an energetic group of volunteers who worked 24/7 to help create and promote an atmosphere of learning, sharing, and professional development. We’re very grateful to the seven students from the University of the Ryukyus and Meio University who worked as interns. Promotional support was provided by Cengage Learning and the University of the Ryukyu’s Center of Community Project (COC), and JALT Okinawa would especially like to thank our sponsors for their kind and generous assistance.
- Andy Boon, Toyo Gakuen University
- David Kluge, Nanzan University
- Shizuyo Asai, Ritsumeikan University
- Andy Boon, Toyo Gakuen University
- Stuart Champion, Kanda University
- Jeremy Eades, Kanda University
- Norman Fewell, Meio University
- Tetsuko Fukawa, Kanda University
- Wataru Gima, University of the Ryukyus
- Tim Greer, Kobe University
- Chad Hamilton, Kanda University
- Takaaki Hiratsuka, University of the Ryukyus
- Joseph Hosback, Ritsumeikan University
- Yu Hsiang, University of the Ryukyus
- Shawn Hupka, Kanda University
- Lorraine Kipling, Kanda University
- David Kluge, Nanzan University
- Fernando Kohatsu, University of the Ryukyus
- Nicholas Lambert, Toyo University
- Ryan Lege, Kanda University
- Chris Leyland, Kobe University
- Charlotte Lin, Kanda University
- George MacLean University of the Ryukyus
- Samantha Marta, Kanda University
- Bill Pellowe, Kinki University
- Kristina Peterson, Ritsumeikan University
- Jia Ping, National Taiwan University of Science
- Kim Rockwell, University of Aizu
- Paul Shimizu, Fukuoka
- Tokuyu Uza, Meio University
- Kevin Watson, University of the Ryukyus
- Madoka Yabiku, University of the Ryukyus
- Role Playing
- Inspire Your Students
- Short-Term Overseas Study
- Project Adventure: An Overview
- iLiterate: Multiliteracies and the iPad
- Student Beliefs in Language Learning
- English for Sport Instruction & Coaching
- Communication Repair: If It’s Broken, Fix It!
- Extensive Reading Gamification with Badges
- Overcoming Barriers to Acquire Listening Skills
- Encourage Active Participation with Answer Paddles
- Suprasegmental Instruction: Pausing and Intelligiblity Incorporating Media Literacy into your EFL classroom
- Seeing is Believing: The Mechanics of Sound Production
- Introducing Medical Terminology to EFL Nursing Students
- How to Teach English Pronunciation using Useful Websites
- Student Perceptions of Medical English Curricula: A Survey
- Sharing Responsibility: Self Assessment and Self Evaluation
- Social Behavior and Interaction: Okinawans in South America
- University Students’ Anxiety towards English Language Study The Influence of Interrogatives in Written Corrective Feedback
- Mobile Learning: Using Tablets in University English Writing Classes
- iPads and the Learning by Design Knowledge Processes Framework
- The Colour of English: Using Colour to Stimulate Language Learning
- Learning in Context: A Self-development Approach to Presentation Skills
- Language learning incorporated in global human resource development program
- Pre-enactment and the Use of Physical Artifacts in Pre-class Planning Discussions
- Employing Narrative Frames for Needs Analysis: The Case of a Newly-Hired Teacher
- Music and Language Teaching: Affordances and Constraints of the Digital Work Station
- The Graphic Organizer Textbook Approach: A Learner-centered Approach to Reading