Becoming a JALT member puts you in touch with thousands of dedicated language teaching professionals and expands your opportunities to grow as a member of the educational community. We invite you to take the chance to develop professionally, and help other teachers by joining JALT today!
National JALT Membership

Why Join JALT?
As a member of JALT, you receive:
- JALT’s bimonthly magazine, The Language Teacher, which includes feature articles, teaching tips, book reviews, and meeting and conference announcements.
- JALT Journal, our research journal, which contains practical and theoretical articles, research reports and book reviews.
- Member-rate admission to JALT conferences, including the annual international conference, as well as advance conference information.
- The chance to join one of JALT’s Special Interest Groups. You can join a community that shares your academic interest, help the SIG produce its publications and put on events, and get to know some great people.
- Free or discounted admission to Chapter and SIG events.
- Discounts at JALT’s Apple Store (note: English support for JALT discount orders is not readily available. Please be prepared to order using Japanese).
- The opportunity to learn new skills and make new friends as you work on interesting projects with other JALT members – JALT activities, from the planning and holding of Chapter or SIG events, the producing of a JALT or SIG publication, and the planning or managing of our conferences, are all made possible by our volunteers. For example, if you want to get started in publications, check out the JALT Pubs website:
JALT Publications Recruiting. You can also contact a Chapter or SIG, or send a message to volunteer (at) for more advice on how to get involved in JALT.
Annual membership fees
Within Japan
- Regular member: 13,000 yen
- Five-year membership: 52,000 yen
- Joint member (2 people who share the same address; only one copy of each publication is sent to the address on file): 10,500 yen per person
- Student member (Available to FULL-TIME students of undergraduate/graduate universities and colleges. Verification required): 7,000 yen
- Senior member (Available to people aged 65 and over. Verification required): 7,000 yen
- Group member (Only one copy of each publication is sent to the group address): 8,500 yen per person for a group of 5 or more
- SIGs: Membership in one SIG is included in membership fees, including for each member of joint and group memberships. Joint and group members do NOT have to all join the same SIG. You can join extra SIGs at 2,000 yen for each additional SIG
Outside of Japan
- Regular Member: 11,000 yen
- Group Member: 8,500 yen per person for a group of 5 or more
Overseas members are given online access to JALT publications but do not receive printed copies in the mail.
To join JALT, go to our online joining form (credit card required).
Contact the JALT Central Office if you would prefer to join by other options.
For more information, click here.
JALT Central Office
Urban Edge Building 5th Floor 1-37-9 Taito, Taito-ku, Tokyo 110-0016
Tel: 03-3837-1630; Fax: 03-3837-1631