Time & Location
19 Dec 2015, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm GMT+9
Okinawa Christian University
777番地 Onaga, Nishihara, Nakagami District
Okinawa 903-0117, Japan
About the Event
A nationwide invitation for speakers for Okinawa JALT’s 2nd Annual “Trends in Language Teaching Conference” will ensure a variety of interesting presentations for everyone. Since this event will highlight the poster presentation format, participants will be able to interact face-to-face with numerous presenters. The event will also feature teachers of other languages and invite young scholars as well. Interested in presenting? Please click here to sign-up.
2015 Trends in Language Teaching Conference
Come and enjoy the holidays with Okinawa JALT! This conference will feature two distinguished keynote speakers, Professor Jim Elwood of Meiji University and Professor Andrew Meyerhoff of Saga University. We are also delighted to have many scholars from Kanda University and elsewhere presenting their latest research. More details will be provided as the event nears. If you are interested in learning more about this event, please click here to visit the official Trends in Language Teaching Conference website. If you are interested in making a presentation at this event, please click here to register.
Keynote Speakers
- Jim Elwood, Meiji University
- Andrew Meyerhoff, Saga University
Featuring presentations by Kanda University’s
- Tetsuko Fukawa
- Stuart Benson
- Rachel Manley
- Krista Owen
- Sharon Sakuda
- Sam Morris
- Charlotte Lin
- Robert Werner
- Dana Patrick Brem
- Euan Bonner
- Joe W. Moody
- Adrienne Stacy
- Lorraine Kipling
- Anna Twitchell
- Barton Colmerauer
- Jackie Holowczyk
- Jeremy Eades
Presentations also by
- Masanori Tokeshi, Meio University
- Howard Higa, Chubu Gakuin University
- Takaaki Hiratsuka, University of the Ryukyus